Peace Lutheran Church is a member of the Dodge-Washington Circuit of the Lutheran Womens’ Missionary Society, (LWMS), “an organization of women dedicated to serving Jesus by increasing awareness of, interest in, and support of the mission outreach of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).” All ladies of our congregation, confirmation age and older, are members of LWMS and are encouraged to be members
of the Peace Mission Society.
Peace Mission Society supports the mission work of the congregation and synod in several ways:
- The society gathers door offerings in April and September in support of LWMS circuit and LWMS home and world mission projects.
- Volunteers work at the Bargain Center-North in Milwaukee which benefits Wisconsin Lutheran College, Points of Grace, Institutional Ministries, Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Service, and WELS high schools in the area.
- The ladies encourage home and world missionaries through the Befriend a Mission (BAM) program by sending cards, letters, and gifts throughout the year.
- The ladies support the mission outreach of our Peace Lutheran School children by providing them information about the yearly Kids c.a.r.e (Kid’s care about reaching everyone) program.
- Members of Peace who are homebound receive Christmas cookies.
- Members of Mission Society organize and assist at funeral lunches.
- Peace Mission Society works together with the pastors to inform the congregation about mission news through the church newsletter and bulletins.
- Members offer assistance to the pastors with Mission Festival Sunday displays.
- The women are always interested in finding new ways to support missions both home and abroad. Updating information at meetings is one way to accomplish this goal.
A special goal for Peace Mission Society is to provide financial support of WELS mission partners for various missions within the United States and around the world including Partners in Apache Learning (PAL) for East Fork Lutheran School, Whiteriver, Arizona and the Central African Medical Mission. (CAMM)
Peace Mission Society meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, during the months of March through November in the Fireside Room. All ladies of the congregation, confirmation age and older, are welcome. Guests are also welcome.
For more information, please contact President Mary Holtan 262-673-0120 or by calling the church office at 262-673- 5610 ext.305.
2022-2023 Mission Society Officers:
President: Mary Holtan
Vice President: Beth Meister
Secretary: Karen Warmuth
Treasurer: Rebekah Wahl (aide: Vicki Wahl)
LWMS reporter: Edie Ash & Diana Zastrow
School Reporter: Bev Agenten
Sunshine Committee: Eleanor Rzepka
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