LWMS Spring Rally Update

Twelve members of peace attended the LWMS Spring rally on Saturday, April 13th. The speaker was Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary student, Juan Escobar, shared with us information about his life in Columbia before coming to America and his preparation for the pastoral ministry despite his family’s opposition (except his mother) to his choice. An offering of $1,444 was given to support the online course, Academia Cristo, that Juan is working through as a student.

2024 – 2025 projects chosen on Saturday by our Dodge/Washington Circuit for 2024 are World Missions: London and the United Kingdom. Monetary donations will be used to support initial outreach and church planning in London, and the greater United/Kingdom Home Missions: Kids in Summer Bible Camps. Money collected offer children’s Bible camps music, sports, art and technology and other types of activities along with Bible studies. The Peace door offering will be used for these two projects.

The next LWMS rally will be in fall on October 5th and Hartford. We at peace will be hosts with members from Zion, Theresa and Trinity, Huilsburg. Peace member, Beth Meister, was elected as the Spiritual Growth woman for the two-year term. Congratulations, Beth!