The Branch schools in Haiti have grown. 1,600 students are scheduled to start the school year in September. Trust in the Lord has grown . Children are going to school despite the gangs in the streets.
Our area craft and bake sale to benefit these children in Haiti will be Saturday, October 12, 9:00-2:00 at Trinity Community Center (TCC) 6409 Co. Rd. P , Mayville (for GPS)
Craft items can be brought to Peace library Thursday, October 3 until Friday, October 11, 9:00-4:00. Bakery items can be brought to Peace gathering space on Friday, October 11, 12:30-2:00 or TCC 9:00- 4:00. Any questions, contact Edie Ash 262-457-3000 or or Bev Agenten 608-963-9933.
For someone who would rather donate money for the mission project, checks made out before the sale should be made out to Branch Lutheran Schools of Haiti. Checks made out the day of the sale should be made out to Edith Ash. A collection box will be labeled in the library.
CLICK HERE for more information.