Dear Parents and Friends,

Education isn’t just about the time spent in school; it’s about the preparation for everything your child can become in the future. At Peace, we are eager to help your son or daughter reach his or her greatest potential. We work closely with parents by setting the right academic foundation and using God’s Word to build a personal relationship with Jesus.

As you choose the right school for your child, you are not only picking a building or curriculum; you are selecting friends, mentors, and a learning environment. These school-wide connections form the basis for your child’s future. But these aren’t the only ways we connect children to the future.

At Peace we concentrate on creating and empowering passionate learners — inside the classroom and out – to focus on our faith, respect, discipline, work ethic, and humility as we grow in God’s grace. Classrooms, drama productions, athletic competition, musical performances, and all other activities at Peace are focused on building a successful foundation for high school and beyond.

I invite you to learn more about our school, visit our campus, or inquire about our church. Contact our school office at 262-673-3811 or by email to set an appointment — or just stop by any time.

God’s Richest Blessings,

Sherman Carstensen

Interim Principal