Latest News
News from our church, school, and around our synod
News from our church, school, and around our synod
Baby-Preschool Group
Little Lambs provides opportunities for adults to mingle with each other while enjoying educational activities with their children. There are age-appropriate activities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Each session activities will include: arts and crafts, sensory activities, story time, music, educational toys, and a snack. The groups is designed for Children ages 0-5 along with caregivers. They will meet on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Come join us
For more information and to sign up please visit our Facebook Page.
Peace Through Jesus is a class in which members and non-members, alike, study the bible together and discover or reaffirm the truths of the bible and Christianity.
Join us Monday, Jan. 20th for a new round of classes.
The next meeting of the Dodge-Washington OWLS will take place January 27th at 10:00 am at Peace Lutheran Church. After our business meeting and officer elections, we will play an assortment of games. In addition to games that are provided, OWLS members are encouraged to bring a game of their choice. Everyone is invited to attend our gathering. A potluck meal will follow the gaming activities. Please bring a dish to share. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Ash at richardash46@gmail,com or 262-457-3000.
Christmas Eve: — December 24—Sunday School Program at 4:00 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 6:00 & 7:30 pm (these services are the same)
Christmas Day Service: December 25th—Communion Service at 9:00 am
Sunday, December 29th —Communion Service at 9:00 am
New Year’s Eve Service: December 31st —Communion Service at 6:30 pm
No Regular Evening Worship Services on December 26th & 28th
It’s never too early to mark your calendar for this elegant evening. Peace Lutheran Church will be holding an Advent by Candlelight for all women of the congregation, and their female family members, friends, and neighbors, on December 1st beginning at 4:30 pm in the Gathering Space & Sanctuary.
There is no charge for this event, but there are opportunities to volunteer and help make this a beautiful evening. This is a wonderful evening of music, fellowship, and time in God’s Word to help you prepare your hearts for the Advent season before the holidays get into full swing! This year, we’ll begin our time together with some fellowship and some of our favorite appetizers and foods in the Gathering Space. We’ll be looking for people to share their favorite recipe and a sample of their favorite holiday dishes. After these snacks and fellowship, we’ll move into the Sanctuary for a special candlelit service to set our hearts and minds for the Christmas season. Plan to join us, and invite your friends to come along as well! Questions or interested in volunteering? Contact Julie Ehlers.
Thank you for attending the marriage enrichment event on Nov. 12. We are interested in your feedback: