Christmas Worship at Peace Lutheran

Christmas Eve: — December 24—Sunday School Program at 4:00 pm

Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 6:00 & 7:30 pm (these services are the same)

Christmas Day Service: December 25th—Communion Service at 9:00 am

Sunday, December 29th —Communion Service at 9:00 am

New Year’s Eve Service: December 31st —Communion Service at 6:30 pm

  No  Regular Evening Worship Services on December 26th &  28th 





OWLS Meeting – Jan. 27 @ 10am

The next meeting of the Dodge-Washington OWLS will take place January 27th at 10:00 am at Peace Lutheran Church. After our business meeting and officer elections, we will play an assortment of games. In addition to games that are provided, OWLS members are encouraged to bring a game of their choice. Everyone is invited to attend our gathering. A potluck meal will follow the gaming activities. Please bring a dish to share. If you have any questions, please contact Richard Ash at richardash46@gmail,com or 262-457-3000.